przenoszenie maszyn relokacja maszyn remonty maszyn


JW MACHINERY is a company providing relocation and installation services for industrial machines and processing lines. We specialise in:

1.Relocation of machines and processing lines
2.Installation of machines and processing lines
3.Dismantling of machines and processing lines
4.Unloading of machines from transport vehicles
5.Packaging of machines and loading them on vehicles or into containers
6.Preparation of oversized items for transport

We are a team of specialists with long-standing experience in industrial relocations. All our employees are fully qualified to carry out their tasks, and hold the necessary licenses/certificates issued by the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT) and the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP). Additionally, we run regular training sessions to further develop our personnel’s competencies and increase their risk awareness when carrying out complex projects involving hazardous operations such as working at heights, load handling and other.”